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United States (U.S.) Government Infrastructure Projects Improve Education, Transportation, and Water Supply in Northern Uganda

U.S. Embassy in Uganda
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The U.S. Embassy is pleased to announce the completion of infrastructure projects in seven districts in Northern Uganda. The projects, which include rehabilitated schools, roads, and boreholes, will improve the lives of thousands of people in the region and are a tangible symbol of the U.S. government’s partnership with the Ugandan people.

These ambitious projects are part of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Northern Uganda Development of Enhanced Local Governance Infrastructure and Livelihoods (NUDEIL) program, begun in 2009 with the goal of strengthening communities displaced by the 20-plus-year armed conflict with the Lord’s Resistance Army.

“While infrastructure is normally not a primary focus for USAID, we saw a clear need for the NUDEIL program to help communities devastated by the war,” said USAID/Uganda Mission Director Richard Nelson. “We envision these road and school projects having long-lasting impact. Schoolchildren and teachers will have a better learning environment, leading to stronger student enrollment and retention; thousands of households will have access to clean drinking water, and isolated households and communities will now have roads for accessing markets, schools, and health centers,” Richard Nelson added.

Under NUDEIL’s model, district local governments plan, design, and construct small yet meaningful infrastructure projects that will improve education, transport, and water supply services for citizens. USAID provides the funding and the oversight for the development of these projects.

Projects handed over to communities this week include the Atiak-Karawal Road in Amuru District and classroom blocks, teacher housing units, and pit latrines at primary schools in Lamwo, Kitgum, and Nwoya districts.

This is the fourth and final tranche of NUDEIL, which also works in Gulu, Omoro, and Oyam districts. Some of NUDEIL’s results since it began in 2009 include:

  • 437 KM of rehabilitated and improved roads;
  • 617 boreholes rehabilitated or constructed; and
  • 187 buildings (classroom blocks, teacher housing units and latrines) rehabilitated or constructed.

This week, USAID also visited several ongoing NUDEIL projects to provide oversight and accountability of the construction efforts with its partners, the Ministry of Local Government, and district officials.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of U.S. Embassy in Uganda.

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