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United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) and the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) Center are joining efforts to build a Culture of Peace in Africa, through Training Trainers on Conflict Management

United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa)
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The UCLG Africa’s ( Local Governments Academy (ALGA) and the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) based in Durban, South Africa, will kick off their first Training-of-Trainers (ToT) Programme on Conflict Management Capacity this month with the first Workshop planned to take place from July 16th  to 22nd 2023, in Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Kingdom of Morocco.  

This Workshop is the first step of an important Conflict Management ToT Programme that will end with the graduation Ceremony and awarding of Certificates in 2025. 

Given the scope and challenges of conflicts faced by African Local and Regional Governments, the training, empowerment and capacity building of a first Cohort group within UCLG Africa Constituency will help in the promotion and anchoring of a culture of Peace at the Subnational level. 

This activity is part of the implementation of the Strategic and Sound Partnership signed between UCLG Africa and ACCORD in 2021.  

A group of 15 Representatives of African Local and Regional Governments will benefit from this rich and promising Program.

This first Seminar will be delivered and animated by Key Peacebuilding Experts and Practitioners of ACCORD, namely: 

  • Mr. Philip Visser, ACCORD’s Manager of Applied Knowledge and Learning, 
  • Mrs. René Ngwenya, ACCORD’s Consultant Trainer and Conflict Analyst.  

This first in-person ToT event will focus on peacebuilding, dialogue, negotiations and mediation with the goal of building a Network of competent and capacitated Trainers within UCLG Africa, who will be able to design, facilitate, disseminate, and evaluate peacebuilding and conflict management training in their own local contexts, and conduct conflict management workshops for Local and Regional Governments, Political leaders and Territorial Managers. The objective is also to encourage the production of contextual knowledge products and Peer Learning. 

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa).

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About UCLG Africa:  
United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) is the umbrella organization of local authorities in Africa whose founding congress took place in 2005 in the city of Tshwane, South Africa. UCLG Africa stems from the unification of three continental groupings of local governments following the official language inherited from the colonial period, namely: the African Union of Local Authorities (AULA), mainly English-speaking; the Union of African Cities (UVA), essentially French-speaking; and the Africa chapter of the União das Cidades e Capitais Lusófonas Africanas, Americanas e Asiáticas (UCCLA), mainly Portuguese-speaking.  

UCLG Africa currently brings together the 51 national associations of local governments operating in Africa as well as 2,000 cities and territories with more than 100,000 inhabitants. Through its members, UCLG Africa represents more than 350 million African citizens. Founding member of the world organization of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), UCLG Africa is its regional chapter for Africa.  

The general secretariat of the organization is established in Rabat, capital of the Kingdom of Morocco, where UCLG Africa enjoys diplomatic status as an International Pan-African organization. UCLG Africa is also represented in the five regions of Africa through regional offices. based: in Cairo, Egypt, for the North Africa Region; in Accra, Ghana, for the West Africa Region; in Libreville, Gabon, for the Central Africa Region; in Nairobi, Kenya, for the Eastern Africa Region; and in Pretoria, South Africa, for the Southern Africa Region. 

About ALGA of UCLG Africa: 
At the origin: a “Moroccan Initiative for an African Vision”. The African Local Governments Academy (ALGA) was created based on the Resolution adopted by the Hon. Members of UCLG Africa, the Hon. Ministers of Decentralization and their Partners, at the end of the Summit V of Africities, organized in the Kingdom of Morocco, in Marrakech in 2009.   

«The promotion of the territorial dimension of development in Africa cannot be fully effective without the support of trained Human Resources that are involved in implementing it. This is why the African Ministers and Mayors who attended the Marrakech Meeting subscribed to Morocco’s Proposal to create a « Support Centre for the reinforcement of Local Authorities’ managerial and technical capacities ». The goal is to build up, share and spread best experiences and practices in Africa. This recommendation gave rise to the plan to create an African Academy of Local Authorities». (Source: Report of Africities Summit V, Local Africa moves Africa. Marrakech 16-20 December 2019, pp. 32-33).  

After several feasibility studies, including a mapping of the Training Institutes targeting the Local Governance, organized with the support of the Ministry of the Interior of Morocco, ALGA of UCLG Africa became operational since 2016. 

About ACCORD:  
The African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) is a conflict management institution based in Durban, South Africa, that seeks to encourage and promote the constructive resolution of disputes, by the peoples of Africa, and so assist in achieving political stability and socio-economic recovery, within just and democratic societies, towards peaceful co-existence.

ACCORD works to bring conflict resolution, dialogue and institutional development to the forefront as a preferred approach to deal with protracted conflict and escalation to violence and armed combat. ACCORD builds capacity and skills through training, policy development and research, and recognizes the important role of the stakeholders at the local and national level, such as local governments and civil society organizations. 

Within ACCORD, its Applied Knowledge and Learning cluster/unit is responsible for the design and implementation of strategic training and learning to position ACCORD as the continent’s leading peacebuilding capacity development organization.

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