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APO News

9467 POSTS

International Rescue Committee (IRC) calls for longterm renewal of Black Sea Grain Deal

Download logoAs the Black Sea Grain Initiative’s expiration date of July 17 nears, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) is cautioning of catastrophic ripple effects...

End violence in the Sudan: Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) asks combatants

Download logoParties to the Sudan conflict have been asked to declare an unconditional ceasefire. President William Ruto said Sudan Armed Forces and the Rapid Support...

Africa’s polio certification commission calls for urgent action to bolster vaccination

Download logoWith 117 confirmed cases of circulating variant polioviruses and 107 detections in sampled wastewater so far in the African Region in 2023, the...

With temperatures rising and rainfall decreasing, “water is life” in The Gambia

Download logoThe village well that supplied previous generations of Fatou Sey’s family and their animals with drinking water had begun to run dry, leaving...

Uganda: Kampala city authority directed to repossess encroached land

Download logoThe Public Accounts Committee on Commissions, Statutory Authorities, and State Enterprises (COSASE) has recommended that Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) safeguard and take...

APO News

9467 POSTS