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Eritrea: Praiseworthy water and soil conservation activity

Ministry of Information, Eritrea
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Eng. Mesfun Berhane from the Agriculture and Land Department at the Central Region reported that praiseworthy water and soil conservation is being carried out with a view to redressing the environment.

According to Eng. Mesfun, the popular campaign for water and soil conservation is focused on the construction and renovation of agricultural terraces.

Eng. Mesfun went on to say that so far, 1 thousand 019 hectares of terraces have been constructed and 2 thousand 582 hectares renovated, and compared to the previous year, it registered a 31% increase.

Eng. Mesfun also said that the construction of 314 hectares of terraces on reserved lands will be carried out through the students’ summer work program as well as by Government employees, members of the Defense Forces, construction companies, and associations.

Indicating that there was a plan to construct 3 thousand 370 meter cubes of stone water diversion schemes, Eng, Mesfun said that in the past six months, 3 thousand 774 meter cubes have been constructed, which was above the plan.

Eng. Mesfun further noted that a Temameo dam has been inaugurated, 51% of the construction of the Adi-Qe dam has been finalized, and two dams in Adu-Hawsha and Afdeyu are under construction.

In the Central Region, there are 133 big and small dams, and over 1 thousand 500 hectares of vegetable and fruit farming are being cultivated through irrigation.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Ministry of Information, Eritrea.

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