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Approximately 6,000 people have fled El Geneina, the capital of Sudan’s West Darfur state, and taken refuge in the Chadian town of Adré over the last few days, said Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) today. These newly arrived refugees join more than 100,000 others who have already fled Sudan for safety in eastern Chad since conflict began in mid-April.
MSF teams are currently assessing people’s health needs in Adré and providing medical care and water. Yesterday, 32 people were brought into Adré hospital, including four women and four children—mainly from Tendelti and El Geneina in Sudan—and dozens more have been admitted today. Most of the injuries are gunshot wounds and other war wounds.
The majority of these wounded people are coming from El Geneina, which is the scene of ongoing and intense violence. Local sources report that at least 1,100 people have been killed there since the conflict began. Thousands of people remain stranded, including critically injured people lacking access to adequate medical care, amid reports of intensifying attacks this week.
Humanitarian aid must immediately be scaled up to respond to refugees’ most pressing needs while supporting the Chadian communities that are hosting them.
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Médecins sans frontières (MSF).