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Media Statement: Committee on Transport Sends Condolences to Families Of 45 Perished Pilgrims in Limpopo on Way to Celebrate Easter

Republic of South Africa: The Parliament
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The Portfolio Committee on Transport is saddened by the bus crash which reportedly took the lives of 45 passengers. The deceased were on a church visit from Gaborone to Moria.

The chairperson of the committee, Ms Mina Lesoma, said the committee sends its deepest condolences to the families of the deceased and fellow congregants.

The bus was reportedly en route to Moira Church in Limpopo when it crashed, killing 45 people. One child survived. The pilgrims travelled from Botswana’s capital Gaborone to attend an Easter service in Limpopo.

“This is a bleak Easter not only for religious South Africans but the entire region. People transporting travelling groups, church people, private family campings, and sporting clubs should be vigilant all the time.”

“Road works that are ongoing should be clearly marked and communicated. It is not an ideal situation to be communicating about road fatalities when we should be happy and in a celebratory mood,” said Ms Lesoma.

Easter is a special time in the Christian calendar and serves as a reminder of the death and resurrection of Christ. Christianity is largely the dominant religion in South Africa and is celebrated by many black families – many of whom also use Easter to celebrate and perform their traditions and sports.

Ms Lesoma wished all Christians a peaceful and blessed Easter. She also urged authorities to expedite the necessary inter-governmental processes to repatriate the deceased and return their remains to their families. “The urgent task now is that families should be assisted, particularly on issues of state protocol,” Ms Lesoma stressed.

“We will never tire as the Portfolio Committee in calling for caution and responsible driving on South Africa’s roads.”

Ms Lesoma also noted the announcement of the scrapping of etolling in Gauteng. “The Gauteng government must soon come and make a concrete announcement on how they hope to fund the debt that was incurred as a result of the introduction of the Gauteng Freeways Improvement Project. This is particularly important because the National Treasury announcement was clear earlier in the year.”

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Republic of South Africa: The Parliament.

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