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Free eSports Tournaments With OkLetsPlay

YES! As well as paid tournaments, OkLetsPlay is opening up free eSports tournaments with the release of their new apps where players will be rewarded with free OKLP token for every PvP match and tournament they play in!

How will the OkLetsPlay free eSports tournaments work?

Imagine a video gaming league with free eSports tournaments that anyone can enter and win. Each tournament will offer lucrative rewards in the form of cryptocurrency tokens, NFTs and fiat $$$. Tournaments will be sponsored by OkLetsPlay, brand partners in the eSports space, as well as leaders in the finance, tech, food and beverage, traditional sports and fashion industries.

Players can browse the upcoming free eSports tournaments in the OkLetsPlay app, choose a game they enjoy and use their skill to win a portion of the sponsored prize pool.

OkLetsPlay free eSports tournaments will be held on a variety of games and gaming systems including everything from hyper casual mobile games, all the way to large multiplayer AAA games on console and PC. Even blockchain and crypto games will have free eSports tournaments through the OkLetsPlay platform. There will be something for everyone to enjoy.

If this sounds interesting, read on to learn more!

An Introduction To OkLetsPlay

With next-gen patented tech consisting of a robust and flexible out-of-game peer wagering module patent portfolio, players can seamlessly find opponents, tournaments and launch into a game. OkLetsPlay has optimized the player and game developer experience for real money and crypto/blockchain video game matches and tournaments.

Beta launch saw 9,000 player accounts, over 4,000 PvP matches and 200 tournaments successfully played on AAA titles such as League of Legends, CS:GO and Delivery Dash.

OkLetsPlay achieved a great deal during their short time in beta testing, including successful tournaments with eSports giants such as Galaxy Racer, which, like OkLetsPlay, also received seed investment through Riva Technologies and Entertainment.

OkLetsPlay made waves early on in their journey, receiving one of the biggest overwolf intel developer grants, and have since gone on to build their own bespoke web and mobile apps in-house from the ground up that focus on making traditional and crypto/blockchain games of skill more fun to play than ever before.

OkLetsPlay has also been touted as the next Skillz by experts in the space. The comparison to Skillz is underpinned by OkLetsPlay’s game-changing intellectual property, but also bolstered through their connections in the eSports arena and an impressive team of heavy-hitters on their advisory board from the likes of EA (Electronic Arts), Deck of Dice, Cartamundi, Glu Mobile, Neon Media and Riva Technologies and Entertainment (to name a few).

With their extensive patent portfolio, OkLetsPlay has a firm and broad stake in the ground, and a clear path to victory in an eSports gaming market that is seeing explosive growth.

Next-Gen Intellectual Property: The OkLetsPlay Patent Portfolio

OkLetsPlay holds a published patent, continuation applications and PCT filings for it’s Out-of-Game Peer Wagering Module patent portfolio:

Traditional Gaming

Crypto Gaming / Blockchain Gaming

eSports tournaments on the blockchain

eSports tournaments on the blockchain

Crypto gaming is like traditional gaming, but the games are on the blockchain. This opens up a lot of new opportunities for players to earn real rewards.

Play to earn is emerging as the go-to gaming model in crypto gaming and players are earning their rewards in cryptocurrency coins, tokens and NFTs. This is only possible through decentralized blockchain technology.

Traditional games have always been centralized, which means that items and experience (XP) gained while playing them could not be transferred over and used in other games.

Crypto gaming is different. Players can now use their rewards and items across different crypto games.

Players can earn rewards in a variety of ways.

Take Axie Infinity for example — users can buy characters called Axies, level them up, and then sell them at a higher price. Players can also battle with their Axies to earn SLP and AXS, which are Ethereum based crypto gaming tokens. These tokens have value that can rise and fall in relation to the games popularity and the tokens volatility in the open market.

eSports on the blockchain opens up a whole new frontier in the gaming industry. Gamers can earn crypto while gaming! The GameFi play-to-earn crypto gaming revolution is here and OkLetsPlay along with the OkLetsPlay (OKLP) token stand a good chance of being one of the biggest players in the space!

The OkLetsPlay (OKLP) Token

OkLetsPlay is honored to work with the world class team at Polygon after they announced Polygon Studios, which is focused on helping to advance blockchain gaming and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

By utilizing the OKLP in-game token, players worldwide will benefit from a universal platform currency with reduced currency exchange fees, lower processing/transaction fees, faster transaction times and many other benefits.

The token will be listed on decentralized and centralized exchanges which means the market will drive the token price over time as the OkLetsPlay ecosystem grows.

The OKLP token helps makes free eSports tournaments possible!

GameFi And Play To Earn With OkLetsPlay

Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian thinks the play-to-earn crypto phenomenon will be routine for gamers in five years.

“90% of people will not play a game unless they are being properly valued for that time”.

Through OkLetsPlay, players can enter into special events on their favorite blockchain games such as paid and free eSports tournaments. The free eSports tournaments are in the form of sponsored tournaments, with community prize pools.

By entering these eSports tournaments through OkLetsPlay, players will not only win rewards in each blockchain game’s native token, but also in OkLetsPlays native OKLP token. This means players will essentially double up on their play-to-earn rewards!

Yes, players will be rewarded with free OKLP token for every PvP match and tournament they play in!

This opens up a whole new world of opportunities for gamers, and allows OkLetsPlay and the OKLP token to grow organically, while adding value to the entire ecosystem of blockchain games and tokens alike.

Double-up on play to earn rewards with OkLetsPlay

Free eSports Tournaments With OkLetsPlay

Imagine a video gaming league with free eSports tournaments that anyone can enter and win.

Each tournament will offer lucrative rewards in the form of cryptocurrency tokens, NFTs and fiat $$$. Tournaments will be sponsored by OkLetsPlay, brand partners in the eSports space, as well as leaders in the finance, tech, food and beverage, traditional sports and fashion industries.

Players can browse the upcoming free eSports tournaments in the OkLetsPlay apps (web and mobile), choose a game they enjoy and use their skill to win a portion of the sponsored prize pool.

OkLetsPlay free eSports tournaments will be held on a variety of games and gaming systems including everything from hyper casual mobile games, all the way to large multiplayer AAA games on console and PC. Even blockchain and crypto games will have free eSports tournaments through the OkLetsPlay platform. There will be something for everyone to enjoy.

The Isle Of eSports. A safe, secure and trusted jurisdiction

Gamers want to know that their data and their rewards are safe, and that the platforms they use to game on are trustworthy and secure. The best way to ensure this is the case, is to use a service based out of a trusted jurisdiction.

OkLetsPlay is a next-level eSports tournament platform, with support from the isle of Man (The isle of eSports).

A safe, secure and trusted jurisdiction.

The Isle of Man’s reputation and track record in eGaming is what makes the Isle of Man license a gold standard in the sector.

Long Term Growth Of OkLetsPlay And OKLP Token

“By taking a constructive and holistic approach to growth and giving players additional ways to engage with their favorite blockchain games, we add value along the entire chain”


To learn more about OkLetsPlay and see the various games, matches and eSports tournaments that players can enter on the platform, make sure to join the OkLetsPlay twitter or telegram channel, and to check out the links below.


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